Issues of concern that we have advocated for (and in some cases, continue to) are:
- We can all address climate change: Make every month earth month
- Community supported agriculture & local organic food
- GMO food awareness and labelling advocacy
- Zero waste, reduced packaging & single use plastic
- What we all can do to reduce single use plastics
- Toxicity of dryer sheets and fabric softeners
- Keeping roadsides natural and unmowed to attract pollinators
- Garlic mustard control and management
- Introduction to industrial hemp growing
- Growing industrial hemp worth a try? industrial hemp farming
- Pesticide bylaws
- Ban incineration
- Clean air bylaw
- Tree bylaws
- Sustainable development
- Investing in green technology & renewable energy
- Waste reduction
- GHGE reductions
Our campaigns, with presentations or publications have included:
Why We Need Organic Food in Schools
Pesticides & GMOs, a review of the science